Strada 10Ks
Strada 10Ks
Strada 10Ks
Strada 10Ks
Strada 10Ks
Strada 10Ks
Strada 10Ks
Strada 10Ks

Strada 10Ks


Art. No. 10001988

28 Reviews

RRP €105.00 2
€62.98 1


This combination of the robust Strada 34/55HB50 Brake Disc Lock and the solid 10KS110 Lock Chain provides maximum security for at home and out and about. The brake disc lock can be used separately, making it ideal for on the road. Ideal protection against attack with bolt cutters, hammers, saws, chisels, etc.

  • Brake disc lock with Abus Extra Classe cylinder lock with anti-picking protection and reversible keys
  • Hardened special steel lock body and shackle
  • Removable shackle also has an impact-resistant steel casing
  • Lock dimensions (WxHxD): approx. 58 x 120 x 28 mm
  • Throat depth approx. 50 mm
  • Throat width approx. 17 mm
  • Length of the 10 mm square chain: 110 cm
  • Chain with fabric cover to protect paintwork
  • Weight of chain approx. 3,000 g

Manufacturer: Abus August Bremicker Soehne KG | Altenhofer Weg 25 | 58300 Wetter | Germany | +49 23 35 634-0 | |
Reviews (28)
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