Sleeping Bags

Sleeping Bags

All the sleeping bags in the Louis range are filled with synthetic fibres. This makes them very sturdy and insensitive to moisture. Before buying a sleeping bag, you must decide whether you prefer the "mummy" or "envelope" style. The advantages of the mummy style include weight, pack size and insulation rating. Envelope sleeping bags, on the other hand, offer greater freedom of movement and can be opened out and used as a blanket. You should check the maximum user height stated!

product ARVIKA
RRP €37.81 €33.611
Dreamcatcher 10Β° Blanket Sleeping Bag
Wechsel Tents
RRP €104.96 from €50.341
product JAREN
RRP €42.01 €33.611
Mudds Mummy Sleeping Bag
Wechsel Tents
RRP €142.77 from €118.691
product STRANDA
RRP €33.61 €29.401
Wechsel Guardian L
Wechsel Tents
RRP €58.74 €47.151
Wechsel Wildfire 0Β°
Wechsel Tents
RRP €109.16 from €83.191
Wechsel Wildfire 10Β°
Wechsel Tents
RRP €92.35 from €75.131
Sleeping Bags

All the sleeping bags in the Louis range are filled with synthetic fibres. This makes them very sturdy and insensitive to moisture. Before buying a sleeping bag, you must decide whether you prefer the "mummy" or "envelope" style. The advantages of the mummy style include weight, pack size and insulation rating. Envelope sleeping bags, on the other hand, offer greater freedom of movement and can be opened out and used as a blanket. You should check the maximum user height stated!

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