Motorcycle Fork Springs

Motorcycle Fork Springs

Progressive fork springs can significantly improve the handling of your motorbike. In comparison with stock linear springs, their differing spring rates make for enhanced comfort due to greater responsiveness and, at the same time, increased stability for riders with an energetic riding style. Fork springs for many motorbike models are available from Louis. The Louis Bike Database shows you whether your machine is included in the range.

front spring kit
RRP €121.01 from €91.601
progressiv fork spring kit
RRP €125.21 from €49.581
Wirth progressiv fork springs
Wirth Federn
RRP €109.24 from €107.311
YSS Fork Spring Set
YSS Suspension
RRP €101.60 from €75.621
YSS Suspension
RRP €185.71 from €138.651
Motorcycle Fork Springs

Progressive fork springs can significantly improve the handling of your motorbike. In comparison with stock linear springs, their differing spring rates make for enhanced comfort due to greater responsiveness and, at the same time, increased stability for riders with an energetic riding style. Fork springs for many motorbike models are available from Louis. The Louis Bike Database shows you whether your machine is included in the range.

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