Biker Leather Vests

Biker Leather Vests

For many bikers, a leather vest is an indispensable accessory because it simply looks cool. Before you buy a leather vest, you should think about whether you intend to wear it over or under your jacket. If you're in any doubt, you can order two different sizes from Louis online and try them out. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like.

Concho II vest
Highway 1
RRP €100.83 €84.031
leather vest
Highway 1
RRP €84.03 €67.221
Nubuck Vest
Highway 1
RRP €84.03 €67.221
product SM-4
Detlev Louis
RRP €100.83 €50.411
Biker Leather Vests

For many bikers, a leather vest is an indispensable accessory because it simply looks cool. Before you buy a leather vest, you should think about whether you intend to wear it over or under your jacket. If you're in any doubt, you can order two different sizes from Louis online and try them out. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like.

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