Fixed Scooter
Fixed Scooter

Fixed Scooter


Art. No. 10010118

3 Reviews

RRP €75.59 2
€67.20 1


What's the problem with your scooter? Does it need to go in for servicing or repair? Or do you want to put it on a trailer to take with you on holiday? In either case, you'll need to somehow secure it for transporting safely. Not just anyhow - the Steadystand Fixed Scooter from ACEBIKES is the tool for the job.
This scooter front wheel clamp bolts to the bed of a trailer or transporter and will hold your scooter tight and keep it safe.

The Steadystand is made of sturdy galvanised steel, and can be adjusted to suit any size of scooter tyre.

Suitable for 10" to 13" tyres and tyre widths from
80 mm to 120 mm

The principle is very simple. Just roll your scooter forwards onto the rocker, right up to the stop. The rocker tips up and clamps the scooter securely.
To release it again, simply give the scooter a tug backwards.

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