Motorcycle Sports Boots

Motorcycle Sports Boots

Sports boots for bikers must fulfil very specific requirements. With these boots, comfort for walking is not such an important consideration. The emphasis is rather on the protective function of the boot. Other important requirements for a sporty motorcycle boot are secure grip on the footrest and good feel for the gearshift and brake pedal. So when buying motorcycle sports boots, you should check for a good, secure fit on your foot. And if you're in any doubt about which to choose, you can order two different sizes, or two different models, from Louis online and try them on. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like.

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Motorcycle Sports Boots

Sports boots for bikers must fulfil very specific requirements. With these boots, comfort for walking is not such an important consideration. The emphasis is rather on the protective function of the boot. Other important requirements for a sporty motorcycle boot are secure grip on the footrest and good feel for the gearshift and brake pedal. So when buying motorcycle sports boots, you should check for a good, secure fit on your foot. And if you're in any doubt about which to choose, you can order two different sizes, or two different models, from Louis online and try them on. Louis will take back any item that does not fit or which you do not like.

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