Felt polishing set
Felt polishing set

Felt polishing set


Art. No. 10091770

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RRP €37.81 2
€21.00 1

Felt polishing set ANGLE GR./CORDL. SCREWDR.

You can restore the shine to metal surfaces if you use professional tools. And industrial-quality polishers The tools in the G-Wendt Felt Polishing Set for angle grinders and cordless screwdrivers, for example. This set is ideal for a wide range of polishing jobs on stainless steel, chrome, aluminium and metal alloys, but also plastic or glass. Ideal for vehicle restoration and customising.

Felt flap polisher, 6 mm shaft:
1 40 x 20 mm, "soft", optimum rpm: 4,750 / max. rpm: 9,000
1 40 x 20 mm, "medium", optimal rpm: 4,750 / max. rpm: 9,000
These products are designed for low-speed grinders and drills. Once the flap polisher is running on the grinder or drill, apply the polishing paste (included in the set) to the felt. The flexible felt flaps adapt to contours and irregular shapes, enabling you to clean and polish in tight spaces and also pipes and profiles. You can add more polish to the tool at regular intervals, if required. The "soft" version is more flexible and follows the contours better. By contrast, the "medium" version is firmer. The arrangement of the flaps prevents the felt from scorching as quickly as conventional felt polishing wheels or discs, You can therefore polish at higher speeds, which means faster results.

Felt flap wheel:
1 125 x 22.23 mm, "soft", optimum rpm: 1,520 / max. rpm: 7,700
The felt flap wheel is suitable for low-speed grinders. A variable-speed angle grinder is ideal. Once the wheel is running, slowly apply the polishing paste to the underside. The paste will cling to the felt. Then work backwards and forwards with the tool to polish the surface to a brilliant shine. The carrier plate of the 125 mm wheel is ideal for polishing larger easily accessible surfaces.

Polishing paste:
1 "white" for a mirror finish.

Important: Be careful not to exceed the maximum specified speed. Felt polishers must always be used with polishing paste. Always use the same polishing paste on the same felt polisher. This is the only way to ensure consistent results.

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