Protector For Footrest Systems
Protector For Footrest Systems
Protector For Footrest Systems
Protector For Footrest Systems

Protector For Footrest Systems


Art. No. 60012980

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Protector For Footrest Systems YZF-R1/R6 -RIGHT- CARBON

GILLES TOOLING Optional carbon heel protector for AS31GT footrest systems:

In some type AS31GT footrest systems from Gilles-Tooling, the right-hand carbon heel protector is not included because it is not required from a technical point of view. If you wish to install one to enhance the look of your bike, you can order it as an optional extra. The footrest systems concerned are marked with AS31GT/5.

At present they can be retrofitted to the following bikes:

  • Yamaha YZF-R6 1998-2002 (right-hand side)
  • Yamaha YZF-R6 2001-03 (right-hand side)
  • Yamaha YZF-R1 2001-03 (right-hand side)
  • Yamaha YZF-R1/SP 2004-06 (right-hand side)

Manufacturer: Gilles Tooling GmbH | Op Der Ahlkerrech 26 | 6776 Grevenmacher | Luxemburg | +352 2678 93-1 | |
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