Extension For Bobbins
Extension For Bobbins
Extension For Bobbins
Extension For Bobbins
Extension For Bobbins
Extension For Bobbins
Extension For Bobbins
Extension For Bobbins
Extension For Bobbins
Extension For Bobbins
Extension For Bobbins
Extension For Bobbins

Extension For Bobbins

Art. No. 10002646

3 Reviews

RRP €5.87 2
from €3.35 1

Extension For Bobbins

KERN-STABI Bobbin Extensions:

These useful accessories enable you to extend the bobbins on your motorbike outwards by approx. 10 mm on each side. This is essential on some bikes (e.g. Triumph Street Triple 675 models from 2013 onwards and various Kawasaki & Yamaha models) because the original threaded mounts are located very deep below the swing arm. Without these extensions, the click bobbin adaptors (not included, see "Compatible products".) of your paddock stand could hit against parts of your motorbike and possibly cause damage.


  • M6 + M8 versions: 2 hexagon socket screws (M6, M8 x 1.25)
  • M10 version: 4 hexagon socket screws (M10 x 1.25 + M10 x 1.50)
  • 4 spacers

Manufacturer: Kern Stabi Motorradtechnik | Gewerbestrasse 13-16 | 79364 Malterdingen | Germany | +49 76446413 | info@kern-stabi.de | www.shop.montagestaender.de
Reviews (3)
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