Engine oil 4-Stroke 10W-40
Engine oil 4-Stroke 10W-40

Engine oil 4-Stroke 10W-40

10W-40, 1 LITRE

Art. No. 10080161

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RRP €15.542
Baseprice: (1 l = €15.121)
The item is usually shipped from Germany within 1-3 working days.
Note: Stocks are updated online every hour on working days from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., so there is a good chance that the products are available if they appear online.

Engine oil 4-Stroke 10W-4010W-40, 1 LITRE

Liqui Moly *Motorbike 4T 10W-40 Street* is a high-performance engine oil based on synthetic technology. The oil ensures optimum performance and protection of the engine under all operating conditions for daily road use. It reliably meets strict requirements thanks to optimal lubrication, excellent noise damping, outstanding friction values, and gentle clutch engagement and disengagement and shifting. The oil is tested for use with catalytic converters. Liqui Moly developed it for air- and water-cooled four-stroke engines that are put under normal to severe operating conditions. It is also suitable for engines with and without wet clutches. Please refer to the engine manufacturer’s operating instructions for usage information. API SN PLUS and JASO MA2 approvals.

  • High-performance engine oil based on synthetic technology
  • For air- and water-cooled four-stroke engines
  • Viscosity: 10W-40
  • Excellent engine cleanliness
  • Ensures low oil consumption
  • Ideal for wet clutches
  • High shear stability
  • High wear protection
  • Tested for use with catalytic converters
  • Optimum ageing stability
  • Optimal lubrication under all operating conditions
  • API SN PLUS and JASO MA2 approvals
  • Exceeds API SF to SM
  • Contents: 1 litre
Note: Optimum effectiveness only in unmixed condition
Manufacturer: Liqui Moly GmbH | Jerg-Wieland-Str. 4 | 89081 Ulm-Lehr | Germany | +49 73114200 | info@liqui-moly.de | www.liqui-moly.com
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ProductArt. No.AvailabilityPriceActions
LIQUI MOLY Engine oil 4-Stroke 10W-40 - 10W-40, 1 LITRE Art. No.: 10080161Availability:
The item is usually shipped from Germany within 1-3 working days.
Note: Stocks are updated online every hour on working days from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., so there is a good chance that the products are available if they appear online.

1All prices are exclusive of statutory VAT and €43.95 shipping costs for Albania.

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