Buch - "Die obere Hälfte des Motorrads"
Buch - "Die obere Hälfte des Motorrads"
Motobuch Verlag

Buch - "Die obere Hälfte des Motorrads"

Art. No. 10053790

6 Reviews

€27.94 1

Buch - "Die obere Hälfte des Motorrads"

"Der obere Hälfte des Motorrads" ("The Top Half of the Motorbike") - rider and bike as a unit

  • Only if man and machine are in complete harmony is it possible to ride fast, safely and skilfully.
  • However effortless it may look, it is in reality a highly complex affair which requires an incredible amount of coordination, concentration and adaptability.
  • In his book, Bernt Spiegel shows how you can actually achieve this unity of rider and bike.
  • This "motorcycle manual" with a difference describes the basics of biking physics, and how you can organise a perfect training programme and assess your own bike skills realistically.
  • One thing is clear: good biking begins in the head.
  • 320 pages, 150 pictures, hardback
  • Author: Bernt Spiegel
  • Only in German language!

Manufacturer: P. Pietsch Verlage Gmbh & Co. KG | Industriestrasse 23 | 70178 Stuttgart | Germany | +49 711210800 | verlag@motorbuch.de | www.paul-pietsch-verlage.de
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