Riga Gomme


Art. No. 10058083

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RRP €92.43 2
€84.03 1


You can quickly get a "flat tire" off-road. A sharp stone in the wrong place is enough and a race would be over for you. This can be done differently! Get from Riga Gomme the *Mousse, standard Riga Gomme, "foam tires" and say the puncture "good bye"!
How it works: Mousse is a type of rubber foamed with gas. To prevent the gas from escaping so quickly when deformed, a closed-pore material is used and the surface is compressed. This makes an excellent ring-shaped "foam rubber tire", which is mounted in the tire instead of the tube on off-road competition motorcycles . The pressure corresponds to approx. 0.7/0.9 bar, depending on the type of mousse, tire size and rim width. Your advantage: No more flat tires! Mousse tires are not street legal. The durability amounts to after stress and care up to one year.

The Riga Gomme Mousse is an Italian top product. It is ridden by top riders like Kevin Gallas and top teams like TTR Squadra Corse in all International predicate races.

  • fits in tires of various brands
  • gel included (always use only mousse gel for lubrication, anything else will attack the material)
  • not approved for road use

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