Remarques importantes
The Rizoma *Light Unit S* 3-in-1 indicators with technopolymer holder kit give your motorbike a mega exciting look. As an indicator, rear light and brake light in a small housing, the motorbike view from the rear is spectacular. Despite their small size, the Rizoma *Light Unit S* are inspiringly bright thanks to outstanding and innovative SMD LED technology. The *Light Unit S* is one of the smallest, road-approved options in its category and fulfils the European approval standards (E-approved). The Rizoma *FR440B* technopolymer bracket kit is the stylish mount for the *Light Unit S*. Once the bracket has been fitted and connected, insert the indicator unit into the bracket and screw both together using the enclosed spanner.
Mounting options:
- on the OEM mounts with Rizoma mounting kit and the technopolymer holders *FR440B*
- on Rizoma licence plate holders: with indicator mounting kits and the separately available technopolymer holder *FR440B*
- Fitting the *Light Unit S* indicators in the rear configuration always requires special wiring. In order to install the Rizoma indicators correctly on your motorbike, special cable sets are required (see matching articles).
- matt black anodised
- SMD LED technology
- Functions: indicator (12 V - 1.1 W) / tail light (12 V - 0.5 W) / brake light (12 V - 0.9 W)
- including standard resistor (10 W / 15 Ω per piece)
- including Rizoma *FR440B* technopolymer holder
- Thread: M8
- only for rear
- E-approved
Please note:
- The Rizoma *Light Unit S* 3-in-1 multifunction indicators may only be installed in cases where:
- Rizoma has developed a licence plate holder with a specific cable set so that the OEM rear light can be removed by installing the multifunction indicators
- or, if the motorbike is equipped with multifunction indicators as standard and Rizoma has developed a specific cable set.
- the Rizoma indicators are supplied with standard resistors (10 W / 15 Ω each). To avoid error messages appearing in the cockpit of some motorbikes (only for BMW R nine T models from 2017), it is advisable to use Rizoma resistors *EE149H* (3 W / 38 Ω), as the resistors supplied are incompatible
- The wiring kit is required for indicator installation (see matching article)
2 x Rizoma *Light Unit S* indicators
2 x Rizoma *FR440B* technopolymer holder
2 x standard resistor (10 W / 15 Ω per piece)
1 x spanner
Manufacturer: Rizoma Srl | Via Quarto 30/32/34 | 21010 Ferno | Italy | +39 0331242020 | |
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